Educational objectives
At the end of this practical work, the student will be able to:
- Calculate the parameters of centrality (arithmetic mean, median, modulus, central value), dispersion (range, standard deviation, coefficient of variation) and localization (quartiles 1 and 3, minimum, maximum), asymmetry (asymmetry and kurtosis).
- Know and apply predefined Excel functions for calculating the parameters of centrality (AVERAGE, MEDIAN, MODE), dispersion (STDEV.S, VAR.S), asymmetry (SKEW, KURT), and localization (MIN, MAX, QUARTILE.INC).
- Know and apply user-defined functions for range, center value, and coefficient of variation.
- To interpret parameters of centrality, dispersion, asymmetry, and localization.
- To make appropriate graphical representations for evaluating the distribution of a quantitative variable (histogram or box with whiskers), the relationship between a quantitative variable and a qualitative one (box with whiskers), and the relationship between two quantitative variables (point cloud graph).