1. The student has the obligation of attending 70% of the courses in The Department of Medical informatics and Biostatistics. The students will not be allowed to take part in the exams if they do not attend 70% of the course. The course can be recuperated in the next semester or module (if the module is planned in the same academic year. If the module is not planned in the same academic year, the course will be recuperated in the year or a year to come until the percentage of attendance is fulfilled).

2. The students must attend all the practical activities in relation with the course in The Department of Medical informatics and Biostatistics. Absences are not permitted unless they are motivated and recuperated. No change in the planning of the lab classes is allowed.

3. The absences to the practical classes are motivated in maximum 2 weeks from their respective date (the health certificate is issued by the Dean's Office). The certificate is submitted to the group assistant in a copy together with the original.

4. The group assistant is allowed to expel from activities the students that have other preoccupations than the lab class content. In these cases, the student can't recuperate that respective lab class with a medical certificate.

5. The absences can be recuperated only after the health certificate or the bill showing the payment of the classes left is submitted in term of 2 weeks from the date of the absences.

6. The lab classes are recuperated in the planned framework provided by the group assistant. No permission is given to recuperate classes with other teaching staff whitout the knowldge of the group assistant.

7. Only the students who have attended 70 % of the courses and who have recuperated all their absences will be allowed to take part in the exam. All the absences must be recuperated before the beginning of the session of exams. No recuperations are permitted during the session of exams, or in the summer.

8. The students who have not recuperated their practical classes or that have not attended 70 % of the course will have to discuss the means of recuperating classes in the same year or in the following academic years.

9. Students that have absences at more than 20% of the total number of lab hours will have to recuperate the entire module, in the current academic year, or in the following academic years.

10. The theoretical and practical part of the exam defended in the same academic year are acknowledged. The students, who pass only one part of the exams, are not obliged to take the same part once again in the same academical year.

11. The students who have difference exams should plan the exam with the responsable for the course and also pay the university fee for the exam.

12. Credit points recovery exams must be planned before the session of exams begins. The students must pay the university fee for these exams. The exam is planned with the full time teaching staff involved in the teaching of the course in question. Other aspects relevant for the student, for present and previous years (course attendance, lab class attendance, motivation of absences without leave and remaining exams, unpaid fees) are also established with the responsable for the course. Students that have absences at more than 20% of the total number of lab hours will have to recuperate the entire module, in the current academic year, or in the following academic years.